Accountants for Growth

Along with a small group of progressive accountancy practices, we have formed the A4G (Accountants for Growth) network.
Together we have developed the A4G programme, which is aimed at the owners and managers of small and medium sized business. Rather than concentrating solely on compliance work - the traditional accounts role - we want to add value to your business and give you the information and support to ensure that you make your business a success.
With the A4G programme, we can help you find solutions to those problems and limiting factors that have a detrimental affect on your business. In total there are 39 individual sessions, which are categorised into one of five modules:
- Financial
- Business strategy
- New or early years
- Tax planning
- Other
Every business is different and so together we can decide which sessions would be suitable for you. They range from a 1-2 hour troubleshooter to an all day strategic planning session. We usually deliver these at our premises, although we can, if you prefer, come to yours. Experience has shown that in order to obtain the maximum benefit it is important to avoid interruptions and distractions, leaving you and your team free to focus on the session being delivered.
Questions and answers are pulled together during the sessions to create an action plan for your business. By the end of each session you will have the capabilities and knowledge to successfully improve and grow your business.
There is a fixed price for each of the individual sessions offered and we provide a money back guarantee if you are not totally satisfied.
There can be numerous trades involved in construction, which include:
To find out more about our services and how we can help you achieve your goals, please contact us today.
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